Guest Speakers
Please click on the picture of the guest lecture you wish to view
Bruce CotlerPresident of NY Press Photographers Association
Sue KramerFilmmaker/Entrepreneur
Mike GellerFounder: Mike's Organic Delivery
Charles Lebowitz, M.D.Internal Medical Doctor
Sara NadelCEO, Stellar Employ HR
Richard MangioneSerial Entrepreneur
Jack KasselImport/Export business
Mauricio VidesWeb Developer & Internet Marketer
Michael WeiszYield Street Crowdfunding
Eddie Bergman, CEOE & E Hospitality Group
Dennis Shields, CEOLawcash & Esquire Bank
Jordon KeltzSerial Entrepreneur
Fredgy NoelVH1 Producer / Filmmaker
Julie BoardmanAgency Owner / Broadway Producer
Michael SarraoComic Book Creator
Allen WeisbergPhotobooth Entrepreneur
Ira WeinerPharmacy Owner
Marcos SalazarSocial Entrepreneur
Emily MiethnerCEO, FindSpark
Jesse and Alex KirshbaumMusic Executives
Norm SchwartzLeadership Expert
Frank BaroneSerial Entrepreneur
Ronn TorossianPR Executive
Marissa Allaben & Andrew LiebowitzRolling River Day Camp
Wendy OrshanBroadway Executive
Bill ToppetaConsultant / former Metlife President
Beatriz RamosVideo Animator
Jason ShumanHollywood Producer
Sam BellerInsurance Executive
Henry Radusky,AIABricolage Architects
Alan Hoffman,CPACertified Public Accountant
Harold KleinTeletime Video Production
John SimmonsProfessional Author
Pamela DennisFashion Clothes Designer
Garry GoldenFuturist
Richard LiebowitzLaw School Student/Entrepreneur
Roy FurmanCo-Chair of Jefferies & Co. Broadway Producer
Andy RothsteinInsurance Executive
Nelson BraffWall St. Executive
Tom WallackFinancial Executive
Paul HeymanWorld Wrestling Pioneer
Donna HalperinPublishing Executive
Julie LeviPromotions Executive
Nancy AncowitzLife Coach, Author
Howard Comart, CPACelebrity Accountant
Mitchell StuartTelevision Production Executive
Scott SacknoffPublisher/Entrepreneur
Neil Berliner, MDStand-Up Comic/Medical Doctor
Ken CatanellaFinancial Planner
Richard BlauParty Promotions Executive
Judy KatzPublic Relations
Michael KrasneReal Estate Development
Alex Salomon, CPACertified Public Accountant
John LobellProfessor/Futurist
Matthew KramerMusic Executive
Keith DrayerIntrapreneur
Neil KleinmanFinancial Consultant
Ira Levy, EsqIntellectual Property Lawyer