Please read chapters eleven and twelve in our textbook on marketing your business. Make a list of all the ways you plan on marketing your business and why you think it will be effective. I encourage everyone that wishes to sell their own merchandise on campus on our two selling days May 3rd and May 10th to let me know what you are selling. All other students will help sell the jewelry that we will be buying on our buying trip on April 26th. On those selling days the students selling jewelry will need to commit to working either the 10AM-1PM or 1PM-4PM shifts on campus. We meet in front of Whitehead Hall breezeway on those days. If you are selling your own merchandise you can sell all day if you wish. On Weds April 26th is our Buying Day Trip. We will meet in front of Paramount Party supplies located at 52 West 29th near Sixth Avenue at 10AM SHARP! Many trains stop at Herald Square a few blocks from where we are meeting. This will be a great experience for those of you interested in retail. The trip will be a critical buying experience and should be attended by all. We will be through with our buying trip by noon!
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