April 22, 2017
Apple has Siri. Amazon has Alexa. This summer Tom Murn will have Vicki, a vending machine endowed with artificial intelligence that will be popping up in college cafeterias, drugstores, hospital waiting rooms and offices around town, and could change the way New Yorkers shop. Shaped like an iPhone but as big as a refrigerator, the device will neither take coins or cash nor drop a bag of potato chips into a slot. Users will instead open its glass door by way of an iris scan, a fingerprint impression or a phone or a credit card swipe and take a product off a shelf. The price will immediately appear on a screen above the door—and disappear if the product is put back down. Read more... http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20170416/SMALLBIZ/170419909/is-this-the-store-of-the-future#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb-editorspicks&utm_campaign=cnyb-editorspicks-20170421
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