Read Chapter 12 in the text book Hiring and Supervising Workers starting on Page 141.
Make a list of the tasks you feel qualified to perform well that may be pertinent to your business, or the business you’d like to start. Now make a list of all the tasks you feel you will need to have performed for your business by someone—whether it’s you, a partner, or a worker (employee or independent contractor).
Next Weds is our Buying Day Trip. We will meet in front of Final Touch jewelry at 54 West 29th at the corner of Sixth Avenue at 10AM SHARP! Many trains stop at Herald Square a few blocks from where we are meeting. This will be a great experience for those of you interested in retail. This trip is optional since some of you may have other classes that day. The trip will be a critical buying experience and should be attended by all those that could. We use the programs money to buy the merchandise that you will pick out. Please let me know if you cannot make this trip as we will be taking attendance. Please do not block the doorway of the jewelry shop.
We will be through with our buying trip by 12 PM!
Remember there is no class at Brooklyn College next week!