The Liebowitz Entrepreneur Program

Megan Junglander

This program has taught me everything from fine-tuning an idea and naming a business, to financing and writing a business plan. All of which will be of great help on my journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. But I must say that the most significant thing I’ve taken away from this program is to believe in my abilities, my ideas, and myself. Without confidence and courage, an idea will just remain a concept and it will never see the light of day. In one of our first lectures, you asked us if we were risk-takers, and I have to admit that I didn’t really identify as one at that very moment. But through this course, I’ve learned that, as an entrepreneur, you will have to face many fears and challenges: failure, risks, and financial insecurity to name a few. With confidence in my own abilities, it’s possible to overcome these obstacles and reach my goals.